Top 10 Online MBA Schools Ranked by QS for 2020

QS has released its 2020 Best Online MBA in the World ranking, with a list of 47 online MBA programs. In the face of the global epidemic, online MBA is a big direction for many working professionals to consider.
This MBA program ranking index contains 4 aspects:
Employability (30%): the main measure is the employment rate of the graduates of that MBA program.
Faculty strength (35%): the main measure is the academic level of the program
Class Profile (30%): the main reference is the percentage of international students in the class, the ratio of applicants to enrollment quota, and the work experience of the students will also be involved in the evaluation
Classroom experience (5%): the level of learning experience in the classroom
Top 10 Online MBA Features
1. IE Business School
IE Business School has continuously topped the list, coming in at number one. The school's online MBA program received full marks for employability and top marks for both faculty and teaching.
The program consists of three core online courses, one global immersion week (with locations in Shanghai, Los Angeles and Mumbai) and three face-to-face learning weeks in Madrid. Instruction included real-world, industry-based case studies in interactive groups. The average duration of the program is 18 months, the shortest in the rankings.
The composition of the class is 86% (down from 94%) international students, 34% female, and an average of 10 years of experience (up from 8.5.) Tuition for the 2019-20 academic year is 51,200 euros (about $5,778).
And the shifts are all in small classes of 35 students or less.
2. Imperial College of Science and Technology Business School
Second in the ranking is the Imperial College Business School program, which scores highly in terms of employability and faculty and teaching, earning the second highest score in both metrics.
The cost of the 24-month program is £37,500 (about $46,626). Looking at the class, 80% of the participants are international, 30% are female, and they have an average of 10.5 years of work experience.
3. Warwick Business School
WBS moved up one spot into the top three this year. The program achieved second place in the class profile rankings.
Warwick's program takes an average of 30 months to complete. In your first year, you will undertake eight compulsory modules and two 'Warwick Weeks' on campus. In your second year, you will have four elective modules and a consultancy project. Each module has 30 teaching hours, 40 hours of guided self-study and 30 hours of independent study.
The cohort is diverse, with 79% international students (down from 92%) and 28% female students. Tuition for the program is £33,250 (approximately $41,210) and includes an international elective module
4. University of New South Wales Business School
The only Australian program to make the top 10 this year, moving up two places in the rankings. The MBAX program at the Australian Graduate School of Management (AGSM) at the University of New South Wales Business School in Australia scores highly in terms of employability and classroom experience.
The AGSM program features a required introductory course, followed by five core courses, five specialization courses, and a capstone course within your chosen field of study - change, social impact, technology, or finance.
The total cost of the program (Change/Technology/Finance track) is estimated at $59,760 AUD (approximately $36,465 USD) and the total cost of the Social Impact track is $56,340 AUD (approximately $34,381 USD). The average student in this cohort has 13 years of work experience, and 37% of the students are female.
5. Graduate School of Business, Politecnico di Milano
MIP's iFlex/iFlex EMBA online MBA program is a 24-month program. The program received the second highest score in the top 10 in terms of classroom experience.
The program consists primarily of digital learning, with two required face-to-face weeks, additional elective weeks and an international study option. There are two half-hour live classes per week, plus an asynchronous learning option.
Tuition for the program is €32,000 (approximately $38,960) for individuals and €37,000 (approximately $41,579) for those sponsored by their companies. Forty percent of the program's participants are international (up from 28% last year) and have an average of 13 years of work experience.
6. Indiana University Kelley School of Business
Indiana University's online MBA program, offered by the Kelley Direct program, was established in 1999 and was the first online MBA program offered by a top school. The program earns perfect scores for classroom experience and high marks for employability.
The program can be tailored to your career goals, as 50% of the modules are electives, plus you can choose from seven specializations, including business analytics, marketing and finance (among others), along with a signature integrated core experience that teaches you the fundamentals of business. There are weekly on-site lectures and international immersion electives.
The average enrolled student has 8.5 years of work experience, with 26% female students. The program is 24 months long and tuition is $67,830.
7. Manchester Business School
International Labor Day, also known as International Workers' Day, International Workers' Day or May Day, is a national holiday celebrated in more than 80 countries around the world. It is celebrated on May 1 every year. It is a holiday shared by working people all over the world.
8. University of Southern California Marshall School of Business
The 21-month online MBA program at USC Marshall School of Business scores high marks for classroom experience.
With the exception of a six-day residential intensive course, the rest of the program is delivered entirely online through virtual team meetings and assessments, case studies, interactive games and moderated discussion boards. In addition, there are two to three live online classroom sessions per week.
Tuition is $102,975 and total tuition is approximately $108,975. The class profile shows that 32% of the participants are female and the average work experience is 11 years.
9. Chapman College of Business
The Professional MBA (PMBA) online class is a new program to the top 10 this year. The program ranked third in the top 10 in terms of class profile score.
Students must complete 12 core courses and 2 specialization courses (14 courses/42 credits total), plus three Professional Development Seminars (PDS).
Classes are offered five times per year. classes begin in August, October, January, March, May or June, and individuals with at least four years of professional experience are exempt from taking the GMAT/GRE.
The program costs $42,000 and has more than gender parity in students with 53% female students, by far the highest percentage of the top 10, with an average of 8 years of experience.
10. University of Otago Business School
Otago's online MBA jumped three places this year to be in the top 10. The school's program scored second in the top 10 in the classroom experience category.
The live course meets twice a week in the evening and you will be required to attend all classes. Attendance will also be recorded for review purposes.
The three-year program consists of two phases. Phase 1: Students take 12 core courses over a period of about 2.5 years. Phase 2: Students undertake a business project or international exchange or a combination of both for a maximum of 60 points.
Tuition fees for the 2020 program are (per 15 credits) NZ$2,230 for New Zealand citizens and NZ$3,623 for international students. It has a 40% female student body and participants have an average of 16 years of work experience, the highest in the top 10.