Dog Bite Attorney: Which Dog Bite Attorney Do I Need?

If you or a loved one has been attacked by a dog, know it is a truly harrowing ordeal. Dogs that get mean have power and create danger.

More than 4.5 million dog bites occur each year. This statistic shows that dog bites are not uncommon.

The good news is that you can get justice with the help of a dog bite attorney. A competent legal representative can help you hold those responsible to account.

What are your options?

If you are bitten by a pet, you must first make an insurance claim. After the bite, try to remain calm and just exchange insurance information.

A seasoned attorney specializing in dog bites has a career dealing with personal injury cases. They will speak to the insurance company to ensure you receive adequate compensation.

Another option is to sue the owner of the animal. No one wants to cause financial harm to another, but dog bite victims deserve justice.

Check local laws to determine if pet owners are liable for scratches and falls caused by their pets.

Prove a case with a dog bite attorney

Proving responsibility for dog bites varies in difficulty. Your attorney knows all local laws regarding pets in the area where you were bitten.

In some jurisdictions, owners will be held accountable if the dog has previously bitten or has a history of aggressive behavior. In general, dog owners have a duty to the public to ensure that their animals do not harm anyone when the victim is in a public place.

Multiple parties may be responsible for your breach. Real estate owners, business owners, and dog owners can all be financially responsible.

Let your trusted personal injury attorney enlighten you on any laws you've broken.

defend yourself against what might come your way

The owner of a dog that bites can hire an attorney to defend your charges. The following defense mechanisms are the most common:

dog provocation


to take risks

Aggression from a dog means you are forcing or provoking an animal to hurt you. A person cannot threaten an animal and expect compensation after being bitten.

If a dog bite victim goes uninvited onto private property or enters a home, they cannot turn back and sue for assault.

Presumed risk is one of the darkest areas in dog bite cases. They share the risk when the owner puts up signs warning of dangerous dogs. If you go to the dog park, you may get bitten.

Some troublesome pet owners may try to treat their dogs as companion animals. Do not be fooled.

An experienced dog bite attorney knows what defenses a pet owner uses and how to defeat them.

demand justice and reparation

Getting bitten by a pet is never a fun experience. Make sure you seek the justice and compensation you deserve.

Don't let this dog intimidate you or others again. Hire a dog bite attorney who will maximize your rewards and ease your pain.

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